Wednesday, January 2, 2013


 It's that time again.  
That time where you look back over the past year 
and come up with things you want to improve on for the next year.  
Most of these things are forgotten by mid-February. 
Despite that bleak outlook on actually sticking with these resolutions,
here is my list of things.
  1. Be a more frequent and consistent Blogger.  I currently write 5 blogs.  Sporadically. I think maybe I'm a blog hoarder, so I need to start giving each equal attention on a regular basis before the SPCB (Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Blogs) takes them away. 
  2. Take more and better photos.  Those who have ever been with me with a camera know this might seem a little crazy.  I take hundreds of photos.  But I think I need to take more thoughtful photos.  This also goes along with number 1.
  3. Be healthier. That means better eating choices (so long McDonald's) and more exercise (time to use that YMCA membership).
  4. Better stress management. Time to carve out some "me" time and break out those meditation ideas from back in the day when I was hip, cool and new age-ier than now. 
  5. Make time for hobbies.  It's time to get back in the saddle- literally.  It's also time to break out those paranormal investigation tools. And of course, work on number 1.
I could continue, but I think anything else would be closely tied to the first 5.  
If I work on the first 5, everything else will work more smoothly 
(sounds good in theory).

So here's to the possibilities of 2013.
What are your resolutions?

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