Friday, March 30, 2012

Day 30: A Picture of Yourself & 5 Good Things That Have Happened

It said a picture, not a photo.  
Trust me, this is more flattering. 
This looks just like me right now, 
except I don't currently have a rainbow shooting from my brain 
or deformed unicorns floating in midair.  
But that's kind of how I feel (even with it being the craziest morning ever).

So, the 5 good things that have happened to me since doing this 30 blog challenge:
 1. I was able to make it down to the 'Ville to have lunch with some of my Blisters.  Even though it was a quick back and forth trip, it was well worth it to see these ladies and have some down time.
 2. I've lost 10 pounds in about 2.5 weeks.  That means I have about 23 pounds left to lose to be back to my slim, hexy high school weigh (that means I'm actually 10 pounds thinner than the above photo).
3. My gorgeous daughter, Midge, was informed that she is going to be added to the list of players on the Women's Basketball team at the college she plans on attending. 
4. I pulled out an old/new bathing suit the other day that I wore maybe one time and never again because I felt (and looked) like a piece of sausage and put it on and found that it fit and I wasn't a sausage anymore.  
5. I met someone I think it pretty fantastic.  I've spent the past couple of weeks "skipping and farting rainbows" according to my coworkers.  It's pretty insane.

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